Alexander Not Leaving Radahn’s Arena Fix – Easy Bug Guide – Elden Ring

Similar to several other NPC quests in Elden Ring, the questline of Iron Fist Alexander consists of an elaborate series of sidequests over the realm of Lands Between. Players will first encounter Alexander in Northern Stormhill, and his quests will last till the very end of Elden Ring’s storyline.  

Such a complicated game might attract a few tricky bugs and glitches. Moreover, since the release of Elden Ring patch 1.3, numerous NPCs have started to behave unusually. If Alexander is stuck in Radahn’s arena and not leaving it, and you’re unable to progress further in the quest, you’ve got an issue at your hands. 

You can fix the Alexander not leaving Radahn’s arena bug by exhausting his dialogues options in Starscourge Radahn’s Site of Grace. Players also need to complete Jar Bairn’s questline before moving ahead. However, if these tricks don’t work, a New Game Plus might be the only workaround.  

Before getting down to the fix, let’s take a good look at what is the Alexander is not leaving Radahn’s bug in Elden Ring. 

1. What is the Alexander stuck in Radahn’s arena bug in Elden Ring? 

Alexander Not Leaving Radahn’s Arena Fix – Easy Bug Guide – Elden Ring
Alexander Stuck in Radahn’s Arena Bug

Alexander will join you in Redmane Castle as part of his questline. Regardless of whether players have interacted with him before or not, he’ll find his way to the festival.  

Subsequently, you’ll be able to use his summon sign to call him to Radahn’s arena as a backup during your fight. Unfortunately, this point in the timeline is where the glitch starts acting up. 

The next region where he’s programmed to spawn is south of the Artist’s Site of Grace, at the Liurnia of the Lakes. Once you travel there, you’ll notice him stuck again. 

Upon using the Oil Pot or the Roped Oil Pot on Alexander, you’d expect him to move to Mt. Gelmir. Nevertheless, instead of navigating to his new spot adjacent to the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace, he fast travels to Radahn.  

2. Alexander Stuck in Radahn’s Arena Bug Fix 

Alexander Not Leaving Radahn’s Arena Fix – Easy Bug Guide – Elden Ring
Alexander Stuck in Radahn’s Arena

After exhausting Alexander’s dialogues at Starscourge Radahn’s Site of Grace, you’ve to come back to him to ensure no options are left. This precaution is because he has a lot to say during this cutscene, so one dialogue won’t be enough.  

As a secondary requirement, players must complete Jar Bairn’s questline as he’s connected to Alexander in Elden Ring. 

Lastly, to ensure Alexander spawns back at Mt. Gelmir, you need to kill a Magma Wyrm lurking adjacent to the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace. After you kill it, he’ll show up at a lava lake in the southern region of Fort Laiedd.  

As far as the Fire Giant boss is concerned, you’ll find the gold summon sign nearby his arena. You need to enter the fog from the chain in the north, and you’ll find the sign near the entrance. Use it to summon Alexander or send him back to confirm that the issue has been fixed successfully. 

If none of these fixes offer a solution, the New Game Plus mode is your last resort! 

3. What is the New Game Plus mode in Elden Ring? 

Alexander Not Leaving Radahn’s Arena Fix – Easy Bug Guide – Elden Ring
Elden Ring

Several Dark Souls games feature a New Game Plus or NG+ mode that permits players to replay Elden Ring from square one with most of their gears and items from level one.  

Interestingly, this mode presents you with more challenging enemies and rewards you with 550% more runes after defeating them. Playing the NG+ mode allows players to unlock particular items as most are tied to quests that might overlap. 

The previous instalments of the Dark Souls game series possessed an additional NG+ mode. After demolishing the NG+ mode, players could progress to the NG++ mode to face more challenging opponents and gather more runes.  

In Elden Ring, the difficulty level of the enemy typically caps out at NG+7 or NG+9, but you can initialize new rounds anyway.  

4. How to start the NG+ mode in Elden Ring? 

Alexander Not Leaving Radahn’s Arena Fix – Easy Bug Guide – Elden Ring
Start the NG+ Mode

To start the NG+ mode in Elden Ring, you need to defeat the final boss and move past the final credits scene. The game will present you with an option to continue your current game.  

If you wish to start the New Game Plus mode, rush to the Roundtable Hold Site of Grace and rest for a few moments. Then, you’ll come across an option to “Begin Journey 2.” Choosing it will start the NG+ mode for you. 

5. What parts of the progress carry over to NG+ in Elden Ring? 

Mentioned below are a few significant parts of your progress that carry over to NG+: 

  • Armour 
  • Weapons 
  • Incantations 
  • Talismans 
  • Gestures 
  • Consumable Items 
  • Boss Remembrance Items 
  • Cookbooks 
  • Flash Levels 

6. About Elden Ring

Elden Ring is the next major title to be released by FromSoftware, the developers of Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne and the Dark Souls franchise. Elden Ring is set to release on the February 25th, 2022.

The game is set in a world known as The Lands Between. Players will take control of a Tarnished to explore these lands and uncover the secrets it holds. The game is an open-world style title with emphasis on combat and traversal. There is also a multiplayer component, along players to summon others for co-operative play, or to be invaded for PvP encounters. 

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