Elden Ring’s world is a never-ending simulation. There are several potent foes to defeat in the Lands Between, which implies that you’ll have to possess the best weapon available in the game.
Grabbing the best weapon depends on the kind of stat you’re looking to develop. Moreover, if you’re seeking to build INT, you might be shocked by what you may unravel.
Intelligence-based builds are inclined towards Sorcery. They include cosmic beams, giant spectral swords, and asteroids dropping from above. As a result, players would wonder they don’t require a weapon.
However, even weapons can help produce magic. The question remains, which ones?
The best INT-based weapons for Intelligence Build are a few early-game weapons like Carian Knight’s Sword, Crystal Sword, Moonveil, and Sword of St. Trina. Certain mid-game weapons, such as Bastard’s Stars, Dark Moon Greatsword, Sword of Night & Flame, and Wing of Astel, also make the cut.
Here’s more about the best INT weapons for developing an Intelligence Build.
Best Early Game INT Weapons for Intelligence Build in Elden Ring
Once you’ve discovered your kill mode and defeated the first Demi-God, you’ll want to set out on the hunt for a weapon worthy of encompassing rage.
If you’re looking to fight against the likes of Margrit, the Fell Omen, and Godrick the Grafted, then consider wielding the following weapons.
1 Carian Knight’s Sword

The Carian Knight’s Sword permits you to summon a giant spectral sword to smash down on your enemies.
To obtain this sword, head to the Northern Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace. Then, proceed south, and you’ll notice a carriage dragged by a couple of giants. Kill the giants and open the chest to obtain the Carian Knight’s Sword.
Stats required:
- INT: 18
- DEX: 10
- STR: 10
2 Crystal Sword

The Crystal Sword is a straight sword wielded only by the brave and mighty. Moreover, it deals additional magic damage with every attack. It can inflict critical damage based on your INT stat when paired with its spinning slash attack.
If you want to possess the Crystal Sword, you’ve to go to the Village of Albinnaurics in the south-western region of Liurnia of the Lakes. Subsequently, pass the wooden bridge by the well.
You’ll find it on a dead body near the edge of the cliff.
Stats required:
- INT: 15
- DEX: 10
- STR: 13
3 Moonveil

The Moonveil sword is undoubtedly the best INT-derived weapon you can find early in Elden Ring. If appropriately upgraded, you can take it further into the game. Furthermore, it’s blessed with an exceptional range and several unique skills.
This weapon is a piece of treasure for players who love quick kills.
You can find this weapon in the Gael Tunnel of Caelid. From the Shack of Rotting, progress south towards the cave entrance and finish the boss fight.
Once you kill the Magma Wyrm, you’ll become the worthy owner of the Moonveil.
Stats required:
- INT: 23
- DEX: 18
- STR: 12
4 Sword of St. Trina

If you’re looking for a weapon to help you gain distance from the enemies or perform severe attacks, Sword of St. Trina is the right find. It’s a destructive weapon in close range and possesses the remarkable ability to put opponents to sleep.
You can find it in Caelid by heading to the Shack of the Rotting Grace Site. Upon reaching, progress east to find the Forsaken Ruins.
Then, use a Stonesword Key to enter the underground cellar and interact with the Imp Statue. The sword will be within a chest.
Stats required:
- INT: 14
- DEX: 12
- STR: 10
Best Middle Game INT Weapons for Intelligence Build in Elden Ring
After making it past Liurnia of Lakes, you’ll notice a slight decrease in the amount of damage you deal. As a result, it’s time to change your weapons.
Players need more powerful weapons to defeat an enemy like Starscrounge Radahn, a warrior with the height equivalent to a building.
The below-mentioned weapons will render your Intelligence build complete.
1 Bastard’s Stars

The Bastard’s Stars is a flail that you can get your hands on after destroying Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Additionally, the fight with him can be more than challenging, so ensure full preparedness before heading to him.
You can find Astel near the Grand Cloister Site of Grace, across Nokron, Eternal City. Then, move forward to the Land of Rot, followed by a stroll towards the palace through the lake.
Hanging over the edge of the waterfall, you’ll find a coffin accompanied by a cutscene leading to the boss fight. After successfully defeating Astel, take his remembrance to Enia in the Roundtable Hold to purchase the Bastard’s Stars.
Stats required:
- INT: 22
- DEX: 22
- STR: 8
2 Dark Moon Greatsword

You can obtain the Dark Moon Greatsword after completing Ranni’s questline. It’ll take you on a series of vicious boss fights, so prepare accordingly.
Stats required:
- INT: 38
- DEX: 11
- STR: 16
3 Sword of Night & Flame

The Sword of Night & Flame is the most potent mid-game weapon. In addition, it contains three types of attacks, which are nothing short of unique.
It’s hidden in the Caria Manor of Liurnia of the Lakes. You can reach the precise location by navigating towards a rooftop with a series of narrow paths from the Manor Lower Level Grace Site.
On the left of the third pathway, players will be able to jump on a roof. Then, hop over two similar shelters consecutively until you notice a ladder. Progress down the ladder to find a chest encompassing the weapon.
Stats required:
- INT: 24
- DEX: 12
- STR: 12
- FAI: 24
4 Wing of Astel

The Wing of Astel is a top-quality mid-game alternative for the Moonveil. Magnificently, it’s capable of three forms of attacks, namely close-range, mid-range, and long-range slashes.
Players can end the search for this weapon in the Uhi Palace Ruins underneath the Lands Between near the Ainsel River Main Grace Site.
Follow a swarm of flying ants and then tail the giant guard ant to meet a few enemies down the cave. Kill these enemies and make your way to a chest possessing the Wing of Astel.
Stats required:
- INT: 20
- DEX: 17
- STR: 7
About Elden Ring
Elden Ring is a major title released by FromSoftware in 2022, the developers of Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne, and the Dark Souls franchise. Set in the ‘Lands Between’, players are on a quest to repair the Elden Ring and become the new Elden Lord.
Shadow of the Erdtree is a full-fledged expansion for Elden Ring added in June 2024. It is a whole new map with new Weapons, Sorceries, Ashes, and Craftables. It is a challenging DLC and as players continue to explore the map, they find surprises and easter eggs left by the developers every day.
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